Your go-to dietitian for the working woman.

Providing weight inclusive nutrition counseling for eating disorders & intuitive eating in San Luis Obispo County & throughout California.

Feeling confused, overwhelmed, or stressed out about what to eat?

Preoccupied with food choices, exercise plans and the desire to shrink your body?

Living your life based on “shoulds” rather than what you truly want?

If you’re ready to let go of dieting, find peace with food & starting living a more meaningful life, you’re in the right place!


Eating disorders & disordered eating

Eating disorders are complex and can wreak havoc on your life if left untreated. Let’s dive below the surface of your disordered eating behaviors to uncover your deeper struggles and unmet needs. Here you’ll find lasting recovery and reconnect back with a life that feels authentic and meaningful to you.


Chronic dieting & intuitive eating

You’ve lost connection with your body’s internal wisdom and feel confused with the never ending amount of nutrition advice out in the world. Let’s end the dieting and weight cycling to help you get back to feeling confident and empowered to make food choices that feel best for you!

Nutrition counseling services that are…


Let’s work together from the convenience and comfort of your own home.

Covered by insurance

If you have United Healthcare or Blue Shield, I’ll help you check your benefits. If not, no worries, I can also offer a superbill.

Weight inclusive

We’ll focus on creating health promoting behaviors, not the number on the scale.

Based in San Luis Obispo & California

If you live out of state contact me to see if we can work together!

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor


Here to help you learn to nourish your mind, body & soul.

You’re the expert of your individual experience. Let’s partner together to discover what feels best for you and get clear on your personal definition of health.

It’s time for you to reclaim your life & break free from dieting for good. 

What does nutrition counseling look like?

Discovery Call

First step is we’ll hop on a call together. This will allow you to determine if we’re a good fit to work together! You’ll have a chance to share what your struggling with, ask me questions, and learn about how I can support you before we schedule an initial session.

Initial Visit

An image of a brown couch used in nutrition counseling office

Then we’ll have our first official appointment. This is when we’ll get to know each other a bit better. As your dietitian nutritionist, I’ll offer space for you to share about your past and what has brought you to this place in your life. We’ll explore your medical history, disordered eating behaviors, relationship with exercise, and body image struggles providing a solid foundation for our work moving forward.

Follow Up Visit

People holding hands and providing support during nutrition counseling

Our follow up visits are where the bulk of our work happens. We’ll dive into your relationship with food, exercise and body while helping you develop the skills and confidence to navigate challenges in “the real world.” Body attunement, permission to eat, & joyful movement are just a few tools you’ll cultivate helping you reach your goals. 

What it’s like to work with me…

“Working with Kelly has helped me to explore my emotions, assumptions, and past experiences related to food and nourishing myself. As a result, I have become less preoccupied with food, more comfortable in my body, and more committed to knowing and fulfilling my needs. I have made so much progress and it feels really good!"

-Former client, SM

Download your free guide and start your intuitive eating journey today!

It’s time to start focusing on taking care of yourself for a change!

Learn to let go of diets that don’t work and make you feel like a failure, reconnect with your body’s inner wisdom, and bring out the compassionate, supportive part of you.

Are you ready to work with a nutritionist who gets it & can support you in living your best life?

Book a FREE 15 minute discovery call today to learn more!