Looking for a dietitian who gets it?

You’re capable and hard working but feeling the pressure to do it all. And left feeling stuck, unsatisfied, and lost.

I hear you, I see you, I’ve been there too.

A black and white photo of Kelly Wills eating disorder dietitian based in California

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

Hi, I’m Kelly Wills!

I’m a California based dietitian and started my career working in hospitals. But in 2020 made some life shifts, discovered my calling in eating disorder care, and took the leap into private practice as my full time jig. 

My approach to nutrition is an “all foods fit” mindset. I believe you are the expert of your experience and will work alongside you to empower you to believe that too! One of my favorite parts of this work is connecting with my clients and witnessing their stories.

When I’m not grinding on my biz or chatting with clients, you’ll find me hiking or camping around the beautiful central coast, reading on the porch with my husband and pup, or tending to my many house plants. 

Working with Kelly as my dietitian…

“ …has truly been life-changing and has allowed me to embrace food and body with love and acceptance, rather than fear or negativity.”

“ …made me feel comfortable to truly share the thoughts and emotions I was feeling surrounding my body. After our sessions together, I finally feel comfortable in my own skin and I do not feel negative emotions surrounding food.”

 “ …changed my life and I've found a freedom not just in my relationship with food and my body, but in the way I operate as a whole. I feel unconditional love and acceptance for myself for the first time.”

I’m passionate about helping women like you heal their relationships with food because I’ve struggled with my own food and body issues too.

Most of my life I was living based on what I was told I should be doing, controlling my eating and body size as a way to feel worthy and fill the void in my life. I thought that if I ate and looked a certain way I would be enough. But the more I tried to control my food choices and body size, the more unsatisfied I felt.

After learning about intuitive eating, I discovered a radically different way of relating to food and my body. I shifted from eating with the intent to fit my body into what it “should” look like, to eating with full permission, enjoying foods that sounded good to me and feeling trusting and compassionate toward myself. This shift created space in my life to live in a more meaningful and authentic way.

What I’ve discovered in my personal journey with food as well as witnessing my clients’ healing is that when we are no longer preoccupied with thoughts around what to eat or not eat and what we look like, we create more space- mentally, physically, and emotionally to live a life of meaning.

Opportunities to explore new hobbies, spend time truly connecting with others, pursue that passion project that we’ve been putting off for years, and live in alignment with our values are suddenly a reality.

Now I’ve found clarity on what it means to be authentically me & am living a life aligned with my values.

My credentials

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Being a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist is nationally recognized and regulated by the Commission on Dietetic Registration, requiring graduate level education, completion of supervised practice hours and continuing education.

My interest in food, health and fitness/sports growing up led me to becoming a dietitian. I now recognize how my disordered relationship with food & body influenced this decision while leading me to discover my passion eating disorders.

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

This training teaches healthcare professionals how to help their clients heal their relationship with food, mind & body. Live webinar trainings and group supervision are facilitated by RD and co-founder of Intuitive Eating, Evelyn Tribole.

Learning about the Intuitive Eating model reinvigorated my career as a dietitian and is the foundation for my work with clients.

Be Body Positive Facilitator

(in progress)

The Body Positive is an organization dedicated to helping people develop self care skills from a place of self-love instead of fear in order to live peacefully & healthfully in their bodies. Training includes videos, webinars, & assignments created to help facilitators develop the skills to help people with body dissatisfaction.

I am currently in the progress of completing this certification and hope to be finished by the end of 2024!

When you stop blindly abiding by the cultural narrative of how you should be living, you can start to feel empowered to decide how you want to spend your precious time.

Now, you can finally feel at peace because you’ve made it home to your authentic self. 

Ready to begin your path toward peace with food & your body?

Book a FREE 15 minute discovery call today to learn more!